A simplequart-sized Ziplock bagis allowed. Each passenger is allowable to only one quart-sized bag.Medications and child nourishments are excluded from the carry-on liquid rules.All containers must be in one quart-sized resalable, see-through bag.You are permitted to bring liquids, aerosols, gels, creams, and pastes, with each piece being restricted to a travel-sized container that is less than 3.4 ounces (100 ml).Liquids, gels, medications, and other chemicals are permitted inside a carry-on provided that they follow TSA’s guidelines.Be sure to check with Southwest to get the latest pet carrier fee. A Pet Carrier Fee is charged per flight and may change from time to time. Pet carriers are considered either carry-on bags or personal items.If your carry-on or the personal item is bigger than the specified limit, you’ll have to check it in with the rest of your luggage. Your carry-on must fit in the overhead bin of the aircraft.Flight attendants and airline personnel will check the size of carry-on luggage.Southwest Airlines’ Carry-on Luggage Reminders: Jackets, coats, hats, and other outer garments/items of clothing.For only liquids and medication, be sure to check TSA policies to avoid any inconvenience.Mobility Devices such as walkers, canes, crutches, power wheelchairs.Passengers with disabilities can bring medical devices in addition to their carry-on luggage for free.To ensure that your car seat fits in the aircraft seat, check the model of the aircraft of your flight. You must place it either in the window or middle seat. FAA-approved car seat to be used in a ticketed seat or on a vacant seat.You can carry the following items in addition to your carry-on and personal item bags. Military bags for passengers on active duty is free.Īdditional Items not included as part of Carry-on or Personal Item.In case the 3rd bag is overweight and/or oversize, Southwest will charge you an additional $75 per item. if an item is both overweight and oversize, it will count as one and will be charged one $75.Southwest will charge you $75 per item for items exceeding the specified limit.Your check-in bag should not exceed 50 pounds in weight and 62″ in size.See the guidelines below for the corresponding southwest baggage fees and policies.
They offer two free check luggage provided that they are within Southwest’s weight and size limit. Southwest is quite generous when it comes to check-in luggage.

Is there a weight limit for carry-on bags southwest?.Can I take a backpack and carry-on luggage on Southwest?.How many bags can I carry on Southwest Airlines?.Southwest Airlines’ Policies for Baby Carriage and Car Seat.Southwest Airlines’ Carry-on Luggage Reminders:.Additional Items not included as part of Carry-on or Personal Item.Southwest Airline’s Carry-On Weight Limit and Luggage Size.